Friday, April 17, 2009

小辉 小庭 - Escaping trip

x.ting : "yeah! We final get out of that house.
o.O? whr u going?

x.hui : "Hai... stupid. That is just a small cage.
We nid to get out of here."

x.ting : "Maybe this is the door?"

x.ting :"How to get out? Help mi out!!!"

x.hui :"Shh... I guess the door is this direction.
Come with me"

Both : "Finally we are out~"
x.ting : "Now whr shld we go leh?"

x.ting :"There is a red hill, let's go see."

x.ting : "Ermm... I think forget it ba. Let's find other way."
x.hui :"No, we should try 1st."

x.ting : "Wait for mi~"

x.hui :"I'll reach the peak~"

x.ting :"Yes, we can make it."

x.ting :"Ermm... But the weather getting hotter, can take a rest for a while?"

x.ting :" Aiyo, there is a little dirty on my feet"

x.hui : "Be fast. Hai... lidat when can we reach the top?

x.ting :"Never know that u're so good in climbing"


x.ting :"Wait for me!!"

x.ting :"I gotta u =)"

After half an hour later












They are still at the same spot

Eventually, they decided to give up bcos





x.ting :"Very hungry leh, what should we do now?"

x.hui :"Let me think."

x.ting :"Orh.. Then I take a nap 1st."

x.hui :"Dun sleep le. Somebody is coming!!"

x.ting :"Let's go home ba. At least there got lots of food."
*Scratching head* x.hui :"No, let me think."

Haha... Got u!!

. The End .

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