Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Macau HK Trip Day 3

Not to disappoint my frds who had high expectation on my pics,
I edited them.
Lets see









-=Stars of Avenue=-

On such a windy day, only their hair were not get mess
Hat & wax do wonders :

Sudden changed from windy to sunny

Testing for the angle

-=Stars' handprint=-

Tiglet is much funnier than Bruce Lee

Still acting like him

-=Venetian Casino=-

Pretty woman, walking on the street

-=Lunch time=-

This looks so artistic

~Sweet sweet Love~

~BFF forever~

This is one of my fav pic


Haha... like acting drama

Can u believe this is the toilet?

-=Sweet Dream=-

She snatched my 胖胖

Cant c the diff of my edit?
Show u







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