Friday, August 22, 2008

Lp's Birthday 08

Last Tue
19 August 2008
WWY & I specially took leave to celebrate Lp's bd.
We planned...
plces dat she wish to go
activites dat she wish to do
present dat she wish to hv
surprise games & card specially made for her.

On dat day she specially dressed up *althought isn't a new dress but still nice on her* and put on make-up and fake eye-lashes.
Dat was her 1st time putting fake eye-lashes.
Hee... actually I did it on my bd too, 1st-timer too, kinda like it v much ;D
Every pics had her little lovely smile
I guessed we succeed.
A wonderful & memorable day for her.

we took ovr 100 of pics
Coming soon...

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