Monday, June 15, 2009

Macau HK Trip Day 2

Alrdy edited the beefball clip, with 2 pic nice?
Haha... this day2 took mi hrs to edit


Too bright till signboard cant see

As we entered, we had to wait for seat
hard to get all of us sit tog...

This is our 1st dish of the set.

Our 2nd were toasted bread with scumbled/fried eggs
Wah... 1st time ate such a heavy breakfast!!

Rushed to DisneyLand :

Even the holder oso MM shape

inside the train

This was just the very entrance of the Disney
and we were bz taking pic pic PIC

Minnie umbrella - kawaii

Im getting to love Stitch!!

Mickey Mouse's house

We queued up to take pic w MM in just 5 mins!!

With Mickey


with Stitch!!

My fav Tigger + a skinny Pooh
Tiglet snatched my plc!!
I wanted to stand beside tigger de =(

Game Time

We played quite a no. of games but nt all could take pic, these 2 were candid shots took by thr

Haha... specially make it big =)
I edited, nice?

None of us were looking at the cam

its smaller compared to Japan's


-=End of DisneyLand=-


Wanton mee


1 comment:

  1. yang zhi kan lu ... we just had it at ah chiew's :p
    how come some of ur disney pics can 'move' wan ah?
