Wednesday, June 10, 2009

When can it stop?

The "accident" still gg on, haven stop!!
Nw my dog...
Suddenly one day morning, he was unusual.
He kept lying on the floor, didnt wan to move much.
Until lunch time, then my mum realised his leg was hurt.
The vet said it was bcos he is getting older,
the bone weaker, nid more exercise.

Nxt is my sis...
Tues nite, she went to hospital.
During the morning she wasn't feeling so went to c doc to get mc
the med instead of helping my sis to recover,
it made it worse.
She was shivering,
her hands & legs were numb and breathing difficult
All bcos of the stupid doc!!
Fortunately she was alright after the med effect finish.
Conculsion : Dun kip chnging the clinic, stick to 1.

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