Monday, July 7, 2008

True Yoga~

Recently quite lazy to blog
bcos I got a 1 week trial True Yoga class
This was happen on last friday...
By a frd *until nw still dunno who isit* "recomended" mi
N I could bring along 2 frds.
So I asked WWY & Lp to acc mi *they oso wan to slim dwn*

The 1st day we wented for the Bodycombat..
The pace was quite fast for beginners but it was fun especailly the music ;D

The 3 consecutive days we took on Hot Yoga.
Its a vigorous yoga session at a higher temperature promotes profuse sweating which rids the body of toxins.
Im quite impress of this, I really sweat alot during the wrkouts. The 1st class we took was quite fast, focus more on steps than breathing, n those steps were quite tough to reach.
2nd was much easier n focus more on breathing, the holding time longer n steps were different frm the 1st one.
The last class we attended was too nagging, the instructor will told us which one parts of our body to be stretch n focus on *is quite gd lah, at least we noe wat we r doing* & the name of the steps we were doing. *tell mi oso no use, the name too long n isnt in english* But in the end we didnt sweat much bcos the steps were lesser just tt the holding time got longer.
Hmm... I prefer the 1st & 2nd classes which could make mi really exercise alot.

On the wkd we went for Yogalates & Bollywood dance

Bollywood is the term for the Indian film industry, which is mainly settled in Bombay. Producing ca. 900 feature films a year, it is high above the average of film productions done in Hollywood.
It is quite a fun, funky & fast dance.
It doesnt suit for ppl like mi who dun hv any dance foundation.. Some of the women thr could dance very well, maybe they had been thr learning for mths/yrs. Hee... enjoyed seeing them dancing.

Yogalates is the combine of Yoga & Pilates.
It stretches and strengthens all the major muscle groups.
It oso focuses on executing movement with proper alignment and use of the correct muscle groups.
Hmm... At 1st the stretching steps were simple n easy
But when came to main stage,
It was getting tougher n kip focusing on the abdomen which my weakness pts!!
Everyone cant tahan until almost cried for help but the cruel instuctor kip asking us to cont...
"Everyone gets up!! 10... 9.... 8... 7... ... 4.... 4.... 5... 6... ...10" Aiyo... He counted frm 10 till 4 then frm 4 till 10. Made us hold longer!!
Nw my muscle is aching.

Haha... For the last whole wk, I was full of programs!!
Everyday I went dwn to Orchard *it located at thr* for exercise n shopping!!
Hee... lots of stuffs I wish to buy but must control, cannot spend too much.

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