Friday, May 22, 2009

Carpark accident

Ytd when my dad was walking toward carpark to get his car to fetch my mum.
suddenly got knocked dwn by a car.

According to the driver :
she just had dinner w her bf and drove him hm.
While she was leaving the carpark, she saw my dad who was abt to cross d carpark.
Instead of stopping her car, she accidentally accelerated it.
Her car hit on a stational Car A so hard dat it moved from vertical to horizontal and almost knocked on to stational Car B
My dad was squeezed in between the Car A & Car B.

Pics speaks better than words, here is it :

I knw my drawing nt gd,
just roughly stretched it out

An ambulence drove my dad to hospital,
and took 4hrs plus to reached hm.
Lucky his leg wasn't fractured.

Below are pics of the car being hit :

The stational Car A,
Car B just slightly being scratched

A pathway,
this marked was made by Car A

During the accident period, I wasn't ard.
I was happily w frds at k.
I felt so sad and guilty after receiving the bad news

Hai... An accident in the carpark become this morning's hotest topic in our neighbourhood.
So nxt time whenever across a road must be very careful,
even thought just across a small road.


  1. write in comments beta, ur lp clever, dun nid like most a lot of tags..

    wah, the accident like very serious, i mean to ur dad rather den the drivers... he has to sit wheelchair nw? both legs ar? cannot work for smtime loh?

  2. Every blogs hv it, u didnt notice lah.

    Not dat serious, if nt no nid to wait so long liao. No nid wheelchair, a few days MC and light work only.
