Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Macau HK Trip Day 1

My Macau & HK Trip!!

Haha... Finally update on my trip le!!
This time went with a bunch of frds.
1st time gg ovrsea w such big grp ;P
But Tigerair nt gd - kip chnging d flight time & lousy service,
1st day we wasnt early so didnt get all of us sat tog.
Last day we managed to be the 1st grp
yet they gave us the last row seat =(

On the Plane

Alighted from the plane

Sunny day with windy weather

Ride a big boat~

After alighted, we was quite tired n super hungry.
We ate at an alike fastfood restaurant inside the shopping mall.
Their service was like fastfood,
order those setmeal then get it at another counter.

Late Lunch

After got to our hostel, chk-in, preparation.
We went nearby to shop!!

Shopping Time!!

Look like we bought more than them ;D


This is the famous fishball beefball mee.

Hee... her expression v cute.
Ops!! Dun scold mi wor, i tried to reduce it smaller but cant

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