Friday, May 15, 2009

Y somebody likes to recall the past bad memories only.
R u trying to let ppl knw dat u r "qing sheng"?
Or wan to get some sympathy?
If u hate her just say it out,
dun kip telling ppl dat u love her so much yet backstabbing her w those words

An outsider might not knw the whole story
but base on wat I had heard
Yes, she had hurt u badly but
ur hurt to her was not any lesser
U said she is a materialistic, left u bcos of another guy??
Haha... very funny,
After u 2 broke up wat hv she done for u when u r helpless and urgently nid it?
U 2 had been broke & patched countless time,
mostly who is the one asked for patch?
The reason behind this failure r/s, u shld knw better than anyone.

She left her ex who has euff "bread" to give her gd life
but she gave up & chosen u who she thot dat u can give the "love" she wished for
Wat hv u done?
Kip digging old things out and kip quarrelled w small matters?
Ya, none of her frds like u.
We advised & scolded her until we gave up
she had no frd to listen to her prob, everyday cried cried cried
Pls!!! A r/s nid 2 person to manage
if anything wrong is both parties
cant blame on one side only

1 comment:

  1. Lp, thanks for standing on my side. I do not care if other ppl tink badly of me. What's impt is that I've moved on coz I do not want to slip and fall upon looking back.
    Love is a gift if I have it. If not, it's just a element of life which I can live without. Life has been smooth-sailing for me till I met him. After tasting the side effects of love that has gone sour, I would not want to try it again.
    Btw, if i really wana comment, i would use my name instead of acting anonymous. I've got nth to hide...
