Tuesday, February 17, 2009


We r heading to...

Sky Dinning!!

Display and actual is diff


Cream of tomato w garlic crostini

Smoked salmon salad w mascarpone cheese!!
taste great ;D

Although i dun like tomato it tasted quite nice

Its Virgo star cruise!!

Wah... huge & seem many activities
Roller coaster on the boat?
Hmm... imagine I were playing n suddenly flew into the sea?
Oh scary xia! I dunno hw to swim!!

Happy expression :

Tiglet looked so excited!!
My turn








I tried my best ;P

Evening time

Main Course

Grilled beef w rosemary jus
Pan-fried Salmon w mild spicy salsa

busy working thru phone

nite view of star cruise


Tiglet drunk abit of wine, face turned red
Drunk liao. Hee..


Hmm... this cake not nice =(

Nite scenaries

Hee, evil look of mi

When Tiglet told the cab uncle "Mount Faber"
I knew its sky dinning.
Heard some rumours dat the food wasn't gd
but still thk dat its a romantic experience
Ya, finally been thr.
Yuan lai, gt diff price package.
Ours were quite up to my standard.
Scenary else, nt dat wonderful as compared to otr countries.
Btw, dun go on special occasion like Valentine day
Super extra double expensive - not worth it.

On 14.02.09

Due to many excuses reasons, I only can do on the actual day.
The whole day, I was bz like hell.
Early in the morning abt 9plus
*for nw being is consider early to mi*
Went to ikea to exchng the frame.
Arrived at PS ard 11+
Working working working
Ard 4+ went to CWP to print pics,
*in case Tiglet called & I can reached thr in time*
completed ard 7.20pm

After finish then realised dat I hadn't eat for the whole day.
废尽忘食 best description

Weird thg is Wei & Winnie were at Tiglet's hse too!!
At 1st tot to go CWP for dinner and went for k or watch a movie
Amazing coincidence, met Hao & Pei at KFC.
In the end decided to dabao back to TIglet's hse and played mj
Reached CMP awhile then went back.
Dats our valentine day =)

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