Monday, February 23, 2009

I've addicted to ds le!!

These few days I was bz playing nintendo ds
*borrow by my sis*
This game I played was abt designing ur own clothings
& sell it out by opening a boutique,
u had to hire ppl to tc of ur shop.
Diff stages diff goals to meet
I was addicted to it !!
I could play frm morning till midnight
I rem I once played untill 630am!!
Haha... wat does it attract mi?
Show u now =)

on the street nid to get inspire words frm ppl
see the flowers? Dat is the colour which nid to collect

my boutique
customers were queuing up to buy my clothes ;D
btw, can design ur own shop too!!

Clothings dat I've designed

to attract customers nid to put ads on the magazines
or get models to dress up n walk on the street

only design clothes v boring rite?
So of cos there were competitors too!!
In order to be NO. 1 in this street,
there were competitions on-going

There are 3 stages, cut short cut short






Hahaha... I'm the winner!!

Isit it interesting?
previously I played another game called theme park
which was very fun too!!
Hmm... tot of getting 1 ds

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