Sunday, February 1, 2009

Long holidays


Went to watch 大喜事 w Lp
Hmm... the only thg to say is dat its funny.
Unexpectedly quite a no. of shops open!!
Somehw we went into a arcade shop b4 the show start,
both of us int in a Mickey & Minnie Mouse toy!!
We tried a few times, some almost but still failed =(
Wondering anyone caught it b4?


Our KTV day!!
In the afternoon WWY & mi went out shop for presents
Wah... noon time nt many ppl,
no long queue, no squeezing
felt so carefree

1 2 3 act cute!!

Can see our colour eyes?

Went bishan to eat our fav beef noodle.
Nw w new renovation, looks much spacious.
The beef stall boss chnged
but the taste of the noodle didnt chng much.
Although the price increases but the ingredient has given more too!!

After 4hrs of ktv had satified our itchness =P
Suay thg was my new shoes torn!!
Idea Lp tot of using handiplasts *both of them hv it*
which helped mi held until nearby my block.
THis is the 2nd time wore n it... TORN!!!
Shld i go back n ask for an exchng?
WIll the shop allow?

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